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The Teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov from Likutay Maharan

The teachings of Rebbe Nachman were revealed to guide us in the path of Avodas Hashem until the arrival of our king Mashiach. We are therefore compiling and translating parts of these teachings that are relevant and understandable to all. At a later date we will hopefully reorganize the material and distribute it as a free pamphlet together with the Tikkun Haklali.

Text in Black is a rough translation of the original text. The Blue text is a commentary compiled according to our weak understanding.

"Every single torah that the Rebbe revealed, is filled with wondrous advice of how to serve Hashem truthfully. This is obvious to anyone who looks at them with an honest heart. This was his only intention, to awake the sleeping, to cause the slumbering to arise and to strengthen the hearts of men." (Introduction to Likutei Moharan)

"He revealed wondrous advice and mass healing using many motivational and differing paths. Due to our great weakness and the strong overpowering of each person's wicked inclination, we need many different methods, techniques and inspiration to serve Hashem. There are times when a person is motivated using one specific path, or using one specific method, or inspired by one specific Torah, and at other times it is all with a different method or path. This is all dependant on the person, according to his level as well as the time and place." (Introduction to Likutei Moharan)

Every person experiences different states and moods. At times he has energy to do one tikkun and at times another. There is no continuous method that will work at all times. One can only arm himself with the full arsenal of Rebbe Nachman's advice, at times wielding one Torah and at times, another. When one method does not seem to work or is to hard to use, a person must immediately have another method to combat the Klipot while he is in that state.

"Through the descendants of Yochi, which is referring to the RASHBI the Torah will not be forgotten, for through the power of the Zohar we will be redeemed from the exile."
(Torah about Rebbe Shimon: the beginning of Likutei Moharan)

The above has proven itself to be true many times over. For all those who bound themselves to Rebbe Shimon and the Zohar, retained the tradition and spirit of Yisroel. While all those that ignored the wisdom of the Kabbalah and did not bind themselves to the true Tzadikim, fell to the clutches of the Erev Rav, only retaining an external and empty judaism.

"In the beginning the Yetzer Hara disguises himself in Mitzvot, and he misleads a person as if he is guiding him to do a mitzvah." (Likutay Maharan 1 Torah1)

This is important; for many times a person will convince himself that  he must go or do something he shouldn't. He justifies it by saying it is a mitzvah, this is wrong and it only furthers his spiritual progress.

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